Wednesday, November 25, 2009

"Thanksgiving advice"

Today is Thanksgiving and all is crazy. You need to fined those recipes and take that turkey out. OHH CRAP I FORGOT TO TAKE THE TURKEY OUT ! nooo what do I do?

Well I am here now. If you need me you can find me at my website and I have a forum where I will help you fast and I am right there as if were on a messenger. I can even goes as far as talking to you. I have started my cooking have you? Should you start now? yes now because this way you wont have to wait til the last minute to cook and have things prepped. You'll need to also have your onions and bell peppers cut up and much more. I can help with these things at I will be there til late tonight and I will check in from time to time if need be. But you have to come to me. I am busy cooking and helping other as well.
I love this time of year the smells of things cooking in the house, like the turkey and the ham,cakes,pies,baked beans yams and so much more. I remember when I was a child and we would go over to our Aunt Cormea's house to have Thanksgiving dinner. We sat at the kids table not far from the adult table. We got to help put the silver ware down and plates and glasses. We would run outside and we could smell the cakes outside in the air. My aunt lived in the country and she had a big piece of land she lived on surrounded by pine trees .
We would run and pick things up off the ground and the breeze was soft and cool. But the smells are always what You remember. She once asked us to go get some eggs from out under the chickens for a cake. We loved that cause it was like easter time to us. ^.^ We would run them back in and have to run back and grab a few more because we would drop them while we were running. Then we walk in the house with our faces just red from the coldness and then arms stretched to see who was the fastest to give the eggs they carried to her first. She would reach in her jar of cookies and hand us one.
That smell though as we ran inside was like a truck passing by with the smell of a lot of cakes in it just baked and the back of the truck wide ope for the smell to knock us down. ^.^ Then all the families of families we had would start showing up. Then we kids were to stay outside while the adults talked. Thats fine bye. lol We would play and play and play til we herd those famous words....."You kids come in now time to eat!!" ^.^ I think we just about knocked who ever was yelling that at us down. Some of us would slide to the table and some would almost run the table over . But thats why we got the plastic glasses and forks and plates. The adults werent crazy in our family. Well enough of my jabber I have work to do. "Happy Thanksgiving".

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